By clicking on the ACCEPT button below I agree to abide by the following codes of conduct when logged in to

1. Courage and Selflessness – Be brave, stand up for yourself and what you believe. Turn not the other cheek.

2. Truth – Be honest with yourself. You only kid yourself when you lie. Be truthful with others.

3. Honour – Believe in yourself and your folk. Stand by what you believe and honor your word.

4. Fidelity – Stay true to yourself, your family, faith, and folk.

5. Discipline and Duty – Develop self-discipline and inner strength rather than relying on other stimuli. Follow these values. Internalize them. Teach others.

6. Hospitality – Your hearth should be welcoming to family and folk. Help those in need.

7. Industriousness – Work hard to achieve your goals and make strong your inner self

8. Self-reliance – Try not to rely on others, do for yourself whenever possible.

9. Perseverance – Life is a hard path at times, but push yourself forward until you reach your goal.

If I fail to uphold these 9 simple rules, I understand that I can be banned and will have my account disabled.
I will not violate any state or federal laws when logged into
I understand that is a privately-owned social networking platform, and at any time, for any reason, or no reason at all, my account can and will be deleted. I hereby accept this factor as just and fair.
I am a grown adult who accepts reality as it is, and I will not hold, its owner, and/or staff responsible for anything a member says or does on their own accord.  If I do not like how this site is operated, I will leave this site before exposing myself to any potentially “triggering” content.
If I refuse to accept these terms and attempt to file a lawsuit against Folkbook, I will voluntarily donate twice the amount that I am seeking to gain from said lawsuit to, and as a gesture of goodwill, I will pay for all lawyer and court fees.
If you managed to read this far into the terms and agreements of, then Folkbook welcomes you once you accept the terms, and hopes that you enjoy the site for its intended purposes, which is to have a social media platform for like-minded heathens.

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